
Verified Journalist is a service provided by The Doodle Project. It was originally created by Fourth Estate® and Honeytree Technologies. It serves as a directory and tool to discover and verify authentic journalists and news outlets on Mastodon and other federated social media platforms.

VerifiedJournalist.org is a valuable resource for journalists seeking to connect their Mastodon accounts to verified profiles. With Mastodon's vast network of servers and no dedicated team to verify journalist identities, websites, and job titles, there is a risk of impersonation. By linking their Mastodon account to a VerifiedJournalist.org profile, journalists and news organizations can establish their credibility, legitimacy, and accountability, fostering transparency and trust on the platform.

Furthermore, the service assists readers in discovering and following verified journalists on Mastodon, increasing their visibility and traffic.

To support our mission to provide this service, please consider a monthly tip of $1 by clicking here or $5 monthly here.

For updates, feature suggestions, or complaints, please follow @[email protected]